Purging Packages
Delivered and lost packages may be purged from the Packages Data page. Use the Purge function to remove delivered packages from the system. When purging packages you also have the option to purge associated recipients.
Warning: Once the packages are purged from the system, they cannot be recovered. Proceed with caution when purging your packages.
The Purge form contains these options:
- Purge All Packages: this option will purge all packages in the system that have a status of "delivered" or "lost."
- Purge all Packages older than number of days shown below: this option will purge packages in the system that are older than the number of days set in the date counter field. The package age is based on the date the package was delivered or lost.
- Purge Packages by Recipient Group: this option will only purge packages that are associated with the selected recipient group.
- Purge Associated Recipients: mark this checkbox to purge all packages and their associated recipients.
Note: If the recipient is still in use in other areas of the system, the package recipient will not be deleted.
How To Purge Packages
The steps below outline how to purge packages.
Note: When a package is purged, a Package Delete transaction is written to application history for the package.
- Click the Purge button
to open the Purge form.
- Select the option that you want to use for deleting packages.
- Purge All Packages: select this radio button option to purge all packages that are marked as delivered or lost.
- Purge all Packages older than number of days shown below: select this radio button option to purge all packages that are older than the number of days set in the date counter.
- if you select this option, set the number of days in the counter.
- Purge Packages by Recipient Group: select this radio button option to purge packages that are marked as delivered or lost by a specific recipient group.
- If you select to purge packages by recipient group, the recipient group dropdown list field becomes enabled; select the Recipient Group via the dropdown list options.
- If you also want to purge the associated recipients, mark the Purge Associated Recipients checkbox.
- To purge the packages and/or associated recipients, select the Purge
button. (To cancel this purging the packages, select the Cancel button.) The form closes and the packages and/or associated recipients have been deleted. A Package Delete transaction appears in history for each deleted package. An Assignee Delete transaction appears in history for each deleted recipient.
- If a package recipient is in use in another part of the system, it will not be deleted.